
Get hired Faster.

The Ultimate AI-powered tool designed to help you land your next role.

Our advanced AI simplifies every step of the job application journey, from crafting compelling resumes and cover letters to creating LinkedIn messages for hiring managers. It also helps you prepare for interviews and conduct thorough company research before your interview.

Get Started—It's free

Turn Rejected into Accepted

  • Quickly see if your applilcation will likely be accepted or rejected
  • Analyze your resume against job descriptions
  • Get tailored recommendations to pass ATS
  • Identify key skills and experience gaps
  • Increase your chances of landing interviews
Try ATS Expert Now

Ace Your Interview with AI

  • Comprehensive company overview
  • Key product lines and services
  • Recent revenue data and trends
  • Major competitors analysis
  • Role-specific interview questions
  • Tailored behavioral question prep
Prepare for Interview Now

Your All-in-One Job Application Assistant

  • Build compelling cover letters
  • Craft professional resume bullet points
  • Generate LinkedIn messages to hiring managers
  • Create tailored email outreach
  • Optimize resumes for ATS systems
  • Prepare for job interviews with AI
  • Get AI-powered insights for interview success
Get Started Now


AI-Powered Keyword Optimization

Greatly increase your chances of passing through the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with AI-identified job-specific keywords.

AI-Generated Resume Experiences

Enhance your resume with professional AI-generated sentences that utilize optimized ATS keywords, making your application stand out.

AI-Powered Cover Letter and LinkedIn Messages

Easily craft compelling cover letters and LinkedIn messages to hiring managers with AI suggestions that align perfectly with job requirements.

AI-Powered Interview Preparation

Prepare for job-specific interviews with AI Interviewer. Go to interviews prepared with company products, competitive landscape, recent revenues and more.

SimpliResume vs Competitors

Feature SimpliResume Competitors
AI Resume Feedback Free $29/mo
AI Cover Letter Writer $4.99/mo $29/mo
AI LinkedIn message to Hiring Manager $4.99/mo No such features
AI company intel for interview prep $4.99/mo No such features
AI Interview $4.99/mo $29/mo
AI Career Coach $4.99/mo No such features
AI Resume Score $4.99/mo $29/mo
AI job specific Keyword Targeting $4.99/mo $29/mo
AI Real-Time Content Analysis $4.99/mo $29/mo
AI Resume Content Feedback $4.99/mo $29/mo
Resume Summary Writer $4.99/mo $29/mo
Suggest Relevant Jobs Waitlist 29/mo
Suggest Relevant Industries Waitlist 29/mo